The first full week of Spring is Termite Awareness Week. To recap, we’ve collected a resource guide of facts you may not know about termites.

We will cover both informational and actionable aspects to combat these invaders. Use this termite awareness to help prevent an infestation on your Massachusetts or Connecticut property.

What attracts termites?

  • Moisture: Damp wood is a metaphorical magnet for termites. This is why termite infestations very commonly happen in basements and garages. Exceptionally wet weather can worsen the chances.
  • Foam Board Insulation: While not as attractive as wood, termites will burrow through and behind foam board.  If the foam board insulation covers your concrete foundation above ground, reaching your home’s wood framing, they will remain unseen and be able to attack and damage your home’s wood framing.
  • Foundation Gaps: The main way termites can enter your home is through a small opening in the foundation. These cracks can be incredibly small and still accessible.
  • Loose Wood: Debris from a construction project, firewood, and mulch are all attractive food sources for termites.
  • Darkness: Areas such as crawlspaces and basements provide protection and warmth termites need to thrive.

What are the early signs of a termite infestation?

  • Discarded termite swarmer wings
  • Termite Mud tubes
  • Wood that sounds hollow when tapped on and feels soft or appears darker
  • Uneven or bubbled paint could be water damage or a termite infestation
  • Swarmer termites are commonly misidentified as flying ants

If you spot any of these signs of a termite infestation contact us immediately to prevent the situation from worsening.

The team at Graduate Pest Solutions is passionate about keeping your home pest-free and prompting termite awareness. Call us at 413-566-8222 or contact us with any questions or if you are experiencing a pest problem. We have the knowledge and service necessary to help keep your home pest-free!

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