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Smart Strategies to Avoid Termites In Your Home from Graduate

Written by Brenda | May 21, 2020 4:00:00 AM

With warmer, wetter weather in western Massachusetts and northern Connecticut upon us, people in Springfield, Chicopee, and Ludlow Massachusetts are taking measures to avoid termites in their homes. These infrastructure-destroying insects do billions of dollars of damage to U.S. homes every year! Aside from potentially saving you some “big bucks”, these strategies will offer you some high quality “some peace of mind.”

Move firewood away from the house

While keeping firewood close to your home, or even inside your home, seems like a convenient choice, the reality is that it is a very appealing source of food for termites. The National Pest Management Association recommends keeping firewood “at least 20 feet away from the home and if possible, store wood raised at least 5 inches from the ground.”

Another aspect regarding “piles of wood”, it is a common homeowner practice to store wood and other wooden construction items under decks and porches for “future projects” that tend to stay on the drawing board for years. Given enough time, they become a termite’s feast and a homeowner’s nightmare!  Clear, open, and well ventilated is the best way to deter termites from spaces below porches and decks.

Clean your gutters

Unkept gutters cause two major issues when it comes to termites. Without proper drainage, water can pool and settle against the foundation and over time, weakening and deteriorating its structure. Secondly, termites are attracted to moisture. Any pooled water near your home can attract termites. A weakening and deteriorating foundation provide access for termites to attack your home’s wood framing.  Over time these conditions are conducive to lots of termite damage and “big buck” repairs.

Clear brush and dead trees from your yard

Clearing dead trees and large dead branches from your yard is an obvious way of deterring termites. Yes, it is expensive but, being that it is a termite’s natural food it is best to clear them out!  If you have felled a tree in your yard and carted off all the wood, the stump remains to provide a potential home for termites. This can lead to a growing infestation that will easily spread to your home. It is always best to get the stump removed to avoid termites. And, do not forget about mulch! Termites will feast on some common types of mulch.

Check with your supplier to see if the mulch you are thinking about is termite and insect resistant or treated.  Or, think about mulch alternatives like stone or non-organic mulch materials.  You may also consider monitoring (link to Gold Plan with termite monitoring) mulch areas for signs of termite activity.

Let Us Solve Your Termite Problem

The team at Graduate Pest Solutions can help. Call us at 413-566-8222 or contact us with any questions or if you are experiencing a pest problem. We have the knowledge and service necessary to help keep your home pest-free!