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Why Hiring a Pest Management Pro Can Save You Time and Money

Written by Brenda | Jun 28, 2023 7:36:00 PM

We’re big proponents of do it myself pest control, especially when it comes to prevention. In many scenarios, there are big changes you can make to have meaningful impacts on the health and safety of your home. However, there are a few pests that are not worth gambling over. We’ll cover some of them and why they’re so risky when it comes to pest control.

Carpenter Ants

Many types of ants can come and go without a serious threat to your home. While it’s always worth having a clean and ant-free kitchen, it’s much more important to have safe infrastructure. Carpenter ants are known to cause significant structural damage, mainly from their boring into wooden supports. Carpenter ants don’t actually eat wood but do use it to build their colonies.

We’ve covered the signs of a carpenter ant infestation, but ideally, you’re making effort to prevent them in the first place. One of the main attractants of carpenter ants is moisture. Running a dehumidifier can help prevent moisture build up that carpenter ants seek. However, if you are already facing an infestation, it’s not worth risking further damage–call a pro.


Termites pose a lot of the same problems carpenters ants do but potentially more troubling. Termites cause 5 billions dollars of property damage each year. Unlike carpenter ants, termites DO eat wood. This can be difficult to prevent and nearly impossible to manage by yourself. We have eliminated infestations for many homeowners and the process involves multiple methods of eradication and prevention, some of which require licensure from the state.


While many different forms of rodent control available over the counter, many are not sufficient for a significant infestation. We’ve seen some imaginative traps, such as paper towel rolls filled with peanut butter over a trash can. This seems like a viable solution until you’re contending with a live rodent in the trash can. There is also a maximum efficiency associate with this type of trap that won’t keep up with a serious infestation. Our approach involves multiple types of traps and baits both inside and outside the home.

Do it myself: Bed Bugs

Our final pest we recommend against a DIY approach is bed bugs. Do it myself is really risky. These bloodsuckers are known to be incredibly difficult to neutralize. They retreat into hard-to-reach areas and only come out at night when all is still. They can survive most over-the-counter sprays and bombs and are also prolific when it comes to propagating. Big box stores sell expensive tools that aren’t guaranteed to work and wasting time with ineffective bed bug methods only makes the problem more difficult and expensive.

 Don’t risk your family’s healthy when it comes to bed bugs. Download our guide below to know what you’re up against.

Don’t let DIY turn into DIWhy. Our team at Graduate Pest Solutions specializes in prevention. Call us at 413-566-8222 or contact us with any questions or if you are experiencing a pest problem. We have the knowledge and service necessary to help keep your home and workplace pest-free!