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Why Are Stinging Insects More Aggressive In Late Summer?

Written by Brenda | Jul 12, 2023 4:00:00 AM

The dog days of Summer are upon us. Especially in Western Massachusetts and Northern Connecticut, in cities and towns like Springfield, Enfield, Windsor, and Somers, the days have been long and hot. With these days, you’ll find stinging insects more aggressive. Talk about busy bees! We’re going to cover why this is the case and measures you can take to avoid getting stung.

Bees Are Going to Work

Late Summer and early Fall are peak stinging insect time. The combination of warm weather and the approaching season change creates the perfect conditions for bees and wasps to increase their activity. By this point in the season, wasps have had the entire summer to populate and grow their ranks. Some nests can house an alarming number of wasps—yellowjacket nests can boast as many as 4,000 worker drones.

With numbers like that, it means nest activity can be pervasive and aggressive. Stinging insects are actively foraging and preparing for cold seasons. Barbecues are a prime harvesting ground for wasps, especially yellowjackets who feed on proteins and sweets.

“Wasps are known for their unprovoked aggression,” says Missy Henriksen, vice president of public affairs for NPMA. “In the late summer months, these pests are busy scavenging for food to prepare for the colder months ahead and are often attracted to backyard barbeques and picnics, which increases your chances of being stung. Proper pest control is crucial to protect against their painful stings.”

Avoid a Sting Operation

Getting stung can range from a nuisance to deadly. Avoid a miserable picnic by preventing a wasp encounter with these tips

  • Cover your feet: With the number of stinging insect species that make nests in the ground, wearing shoes can minimize a bee attacking your feet.
  • Seal and stow: Especially when throwing a backyard bash, keep your food and drinks covered. Airtight containers are best at both preventing wasps from chowing down and attracting them in the first place.
  • Patch the holes: Stinging insects can slip in through the tiniest of cracks in siding and foundation as well as torn screens. Patch or caulk to prevent access.
  • Bag your trash: You’ve likely seen wasps congregating at trash cans with leftovers loosely contained. Tossing your trash in a tight bag will give them less to hang around for.
  • Live and let live: Avoid swatting at stinging insects, even if they get a little too close for comfort. While they’re definitely more aggressive in this season, provoking them will dramatically increase the chance of getting stung.
  • Don’t be stubborn: If wasps are regularly ruining your day, seek a professional. Aside from nest removal there are a multitude of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) they can apply to reduce access.

Let the team at Graduate Pest Solutions make late Summer a breeze. Call us at 413-566-8222 or contact us with any questions or if you are experiencing a pest problem. We have the knowledge and the services necessary to help keep your home pest-free!