April Showers Bring May… Insects?
Rain and Pest Problems
Spring and summer in New England are the season for downpours, and many people are looking forward to some much needed rain. While the rain will be great for our lawns and gardens, the heat and moisture create the perfect conditions for many types of bugs to thrive. Most pests won’t be active during the storm, but they’ll come out in full force as soon as the rain is gone.
Rain and pest problems go hand-in-hand during the summer. Here are some insects you can plan on seeing after a rainstorm:
Standing water provides an ideal breeding ground for mosquitos, as female mosquitoes only need 1/2 of an inch of stagnant water to lay their eggs. These eggs can turn to larvae in as little as 24 hours, and they’ll become adults after about a week. Luckily, homeowners can follow some basic prevention tips to keep mosquito populations down, including:
- dump out any standing water that has accumulated
- replace water in bird baths every few days
- empty kiddie pools and dry off water slides after use
- consider draining the water off of your pool cover after it rains
It’s no secret that termites love wood, but water-logged wood is their favorite treat because it is easiest to chew. Colonies of termites will usually seek out the parts of wood that have been affected by water, and can cause extensive damage to a building or home. Be sure to inspect your home for discolored or rotted wood, and store wood piles far away from your exterior walls.
Ants that dwell underground can usually survive a light shower. But during a downpour, they’ll have to emerge from their flooded nests and search for dry ground. It’s not uncommon that the dry spot they’ll find might be inside someone’s home! Follow our ant prevention tips and carefully seal or repair any cracks in your siding, foundation, or entry points.
Vegetation Growth:
Even though most of us love to see flowers or vegetables blooming as a result of the rain, the abundant vegetation can also attract some unwanted attention. Rain multiplies the food source for many pests, so you’ll probably see some slugs, snails, and aphids.
Rain and pest problems might be related, but the bugs don’t have to ruin your spring. Call us at 413-566-8222 or contact us with any questions or if you are experiencing a pest problem. We have the knowledge and service necessary to help keep your home and workplace pest-free!

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