As a northeast resident, you’re no stranger to a mouse in your house. However, a rodent gnawing its way through the electrical wiring in your home or car is much more likely than you think. We'll cover why rodents chew wires and the steps you can take to prevent these furry invaders from doing damage to your home or vehicle.

Why Wires?

Rodents don’t care what stands between them and the warmth of your home. They have been known to crawl in through holes as small as half an inch and chew through drywall, wood, and often wires. “Mice are known to gnaw through walls, wood, and wires,” says Jim Fredericks, technical services director for NPMA. “The damage to wiring within walls can cause house fires.”

Why are they always chewing? Their teeth are always growing! Similar to a cat’s claws, rodents will chew on just about anything to optimize their teeth for long-term eating and chewing. Since mice and rats don’t have any means to keep their teeth well-manicured, they typically will find something hard and reliable to file down their rapidly growing teeth. In this case, wires made of metal and copper make for a good texture to sharpen their teeth. 

Recently, certain automotive manufacturers have switched from petroleum-based wiring to soybean-based wiring. As if wires weren't already prone to chewing, they now are potentially nourishing as well.

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How to Keep Rodents from Chowing Down

Here are some everyday tips you can implement to prevent rodents from causing severe structural damage to your home.

  • Inspect wires, insulation, and walls for any signs of gnaw marks, which may indicate an infestation.
  • Store boxes and containers off the floor and organize items often to prevent rodents from residing in undisturbed areas. They love a well “stuffed” closet or basement!
  • Install gutters or diverts to channel water away from your home.
  • Seal cracks and holes on your home’s exterior, including areas where utilities and pipes enter (one of the most common entry points for mice).
  • If you find rodent feces, hear sounds of scurrying in the walls or observe some other suspicious sign like chewed food packaging, contact a licensed pest professional to evaluate your pest problem.

Don’t be shocked by rodents! Call us at 413-566-8222 or contact us today. We have the knowledge and the services necessary to help keep your home pest-free!

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