
Are Bee Stings More Likely in the Fall?

Here’s Why Wasps are Worse in the Fall It’s time again for many New Englanders’ favorite season: fall! Fall in Western Massachusetts and Northern Connecticut means colorful leaves, apple picking, ...

Insects and Heat Waves

How do different bugs handle the heat? Now that New England has been hit with a few heat waves this summer, most of us are no stranger to an uncomfortable, 90+ degree day. But while we’re lucky to ...

Small ants are everywhere in my kitchen—what should I do next?

With summer in full swing, there are many pests that are ready to crash a barbecue or picnic. The real trouble is when you find ants in your home. The most common room homeowners find ants in is the ...

Why Hiring a Pest Management Pro Can Save You Time and Money

We’re big proponents of do it myself pest control, especially when it comes to prevention. In many scenarios, there are big changes you can make to have meaningful impacts on the health and safety of ...

Pantry Pests: Where Do They Come From?

How Do I Get Rid of Bugs in My Pantry? Wait, what?! Bugs in my fruitcake…yikes! Yes, someone or something might actually like your fruitcake :-). There is a whole group of bugs that cause mischief ...

Top ways to control ants inside your home

We’ve recently covered how to tell the difference between termite swarmers and flying ants, as well as how to prevent the former. But how do you control ants in your home and keep them out ...

Termites & Real Estate Transactions

Termites and Buying a Home

How to Pest Proof Your Home Before You go on Vacation

Going on Vacation? Don’t Forget to Pest-Proof Your Home! Warmer weather has finally arrived, and many families are planning their spring vacations. In between booking flights, checking car routes, or ...

You Might Be Giving Yourself Termites

Renovations Can Lead to Infestations! Spring and summer are popular times for indoor or outdoor home renovations. Are you planning any home upgrades this year? You may not know it, but some projects ...

Spring Pest Prevention Tips
